Praveen Kiran Martis: Life unfolds as it takes its course, and this unfolding in my Novitiate has been a happy experience. God very
much appears to me as a divine artist, who has been working in my life which is
His artwork. It is a joy to see a painting in the process of its creation. I
have often seen my drawing sir patiently sketching an unknown portrait, and
then adding layers and layers of shades and colours. Each
each one of my sir’s artworks have amazed me and moved me. At other times, when
I attempted to try drawing, my master’s corrections have confused me and
failed to appeal to my understanding. Only at the end of the picture did I
learn how accurate his calculations were. God’s working in my life has been something
like this. St Paul says in I Corinthians 13:12, "Now I know only in part; then I will know fully..." I have sometimes failed to understand his moves, but in the corner
of my heart, I know that God knows what He is doing. I am thankful to God for everything.
“God brings us into deep waters, not to drown us, but to cleanse us”
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