Novitiate is a time where we cherish and enjoy many opportunities. One must not enter into the Novitiate in a hurry rather slowly detaching oneself from the noisy world outside. The First Probation is a time when this slow insertion into the Novitiate happens and the new Novices are placed under the care of a few of their Second Year companions who are appointed as 'Guides' (Anand, Ashwin, Alwyn, Joyson & Pradeep were the Guides during the First Probation) and they in turn introduce this new way of living to their 'Angels.' Here are the sentiments of two of those who were appointed as Guides this year.
Anand: I was appointed the Head Guide this year. Though it was a challenging task that was laid before me, I took it up with great courage and determination, trusting completely in God. It was a test for me to understand their temperament and deal with them. Most importantly, I had to be exemplary in my own lifestyle. The special task was to give a taste of the Novitiate and introduce them slowly to this way of life. I understood the pain and struggle involved in forming a person. I realized the role of parents in forming a child.
Joyson: I was given the opportunity to be a guide. What inspired me is the imagery of Jesus as a Shepherd. God bestows love and graces. The principle that motivated me was 'From each according to his capacity, to each according to his need.' God has indeed loved and shaped them through me. God led them to be instruments in my hands. It was a great experience to guide them. I remembered my own First Probation days. My angels had a lot to teach me.
Joyson: I was given the opportunity to be a guide. What inspired me is the imagery of Jesus as a Shepherd. God bestows love and graces. The principle that motivated me was 'From each according to his capacity, to each according to his need.' God has indeed loved and shaped them through me. God led them to be instruments in my hands. It was a great experience to guide them. I remembered my own First Probation days. My angels had a lot to teach me.
1 comment:
Anand and Joyson thank you for sharing your experiences as guides. Congratulations to all the guides.
Jossie D'Mello
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