After the turn of the Guides, we now have four ‘Angels’ who are eager to share their experiences with you all:
Arvind Royce: Everyone has to undergo changes in their way of living as life goes on. I experienced this change as I entered into the “World of Silence.” I was yearning to speak and chat with my friends but as days went on, I got adjusted to the new surroundings and the people. I learnt to concentrate and be focused in prayer. My guide(Alwyn) moluded and shaped me. I understood the life a Novice must lead. My vocation is deepened and strengthened through the First Probation.
Roshan D'Souza: Probation for me was filled with expectations. I showed keen interest in learning new things. I enjoyed different prayer methods taught to me by my guide(Anand). The Senior Fathers in the community appear to me as great stalwarts in the Society. I wondered at how much work our second year brothers had put in for us. What motivates me is, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Jaison Pais: Probation has quietened me a lot. I was very curious to know about the Novitiate. I learnt how to pray. My guide(Ashwin) formed me into the ways of the Society. I feel challenged to follow the norms and rules in this new way of life but with the grace of God and hope in Him I’ve made this my foremost goal. I desire to be deeply rooted in my call and to be shaped up as a good Jesuit.
Noel Nazareth: Probation put me to test under the leadership of my guide(Pradeep). I learnt how a Novice must conduct himself. I cherish the depth of community living in the Society. I learnt basic etiquette, about the spirit of silence and the need to follow a structured time table in life. The variety of Apostlates that this house is engaged in was a heart touching experience for me. Surely, now is the time to put into practice all that I’ve learnt.
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