Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Fr Erwin (Secretary, JYMSA) visits Mount St Joseph

It was a cheerful occasion to have Fr Erwin Lazrado SJ, the Secretary for Jesuit Youth Ministry in South Asia (JYMSA) in our midst last week. His enthusiasm, youthfulness and dynamism were reflected through the inspirational talk that he delivered to us, Novices. He shared with us his thoughts, ideas and strategies about his
(a) Highlight the problem to the youth and give them freedom to decide, don’t take decisions for others, all learn by committing mistakes and God certainly loves and accepts everyone. (b) Find out their burning needs, the issues and challenges that they face and be with them in times of struggle besides there is no substitute for personal contact. (c) Make a leader out of them and not a soldier thus accompany them in their journey. (d) Never be result oriented. Humbly prepare the way, thus carry on God’s work. There will be oppositions but we must be aware that only when a tree bears fruits people start throwing stones at it. Hence make them responsible for their lives and give them the assurance that you are there.
These principles have certainly lead us to look at our ministries with a different perspective and have got us closer to the depths of reality. We are thankful for his presence amidst us.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Solar Eclipses at Loyola School this July
“A dream is not what you see in sleep, but that thing which does not let you sleep.” These words of Bill Gates were very much suitable to the children at Loyola. More than 50 students participated in Prabitha Karanji at Beretena Agrahara on 23rd & 24th of this month. They bagged almost all prizes & came out with flying colours. The confidence of the children was very high & positive, though a few competitions were hard to crack; they still put their heart, mind & soul & finally stole the show.
“The greatest gift you can give to someone is your time. Because when you give someone your time you are giving them a portion of your life that you will never get back.” We are at present having seven students of R V Teachers College,
“A person who can explain the meaning of colour to the Blind can explain anything in life ...” this was the main aim of the one day seminar given by Fr Melwyn Pinto to our staff on 20 July. The final message he gave to the staff apart from other exercises was that we should be builders and not destroyers of a child’s future. Moreover we are not merely teachers who make the students book worms rather train their hands with skills; heart with love and mind with wisdom and then send them out as the best products of Loyola, where the need is the most.
“Life sometimes takes an unknown turn, don’t be afraid to travel it , someday that turn will take you to untouched weights on top of the world,” was the message delivered by Fr Henry as he celebrated his birthday with his much-loved students. He shared his past with the students and boosted their confidence beckoning them to be something different in life, for which we need only one thing, i.e.: Hard Work. He also shared his future dreams and aspirations about the school. We had a throw ball and a friendly Cricket match in the afternoon which helped students and teachers know each other better.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Fond Farewell to Fr Ralph da Costa
July 21 was a day of dual festivity. We celebrated Fr Ralph’s belated birthday and bid him a loving send-off. The whole community gathered in the evening to thank God for the gift of him to our world. With joy and gratitude, we celebrated life that is given to him and life that is given to us, in abundance. “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly,” said Jesus.
God has accomplished much in & through Fr Ralph in 69 years of his life, and 53 of them as a Jesuit. God has blessed him with many a gift which he has well utilized for God’s Kingdom. A man of deep & strong faith, hope and love, he has enriched thousands by now, whether in formation of priests, through opening the treasures of Scriptures, through animating many religious congregations in their respective Charisms, through retreats, and through serving the Society as Formator and
God’s plan has unfolded in Fr Ralph’s life in his recent mission as Undersecretary of the Society of Jesus to which he has promptly responded. Though we will miss him, we are happy that his knowledge and wisdom, his experience and expertise will be used in service of the whole Society.
Fr Ralph left for
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Novena in honour of St Ignatius of Loyola
We deem it our privilege to share with you the highlights of the Novena in honour of our founder, St Ignatius, whose feast is celebrated on July 31. St Ignatius' gifts of Discernment (the art of choosing between the good and better) and the 'Spiritual Exercises' to the Church continues to make more and more people free and happy each day.
We are aware that this is a creative Novena which we would like to call a “Novena of Persons” the ‘persons’ being some of our brother Jesuits who, we believe, have imbibed deeply, and lived, the Spirit of our founder and father St Ignatius. Very specially his passionate love for Jesus, and his obsession for the Greater Glory of God.
Caesar Baronius in his funeral oration in 1600 said: “we behold the leafy branches, the fruit and the stem that is the Society of Jesus. But the root lies buried in the earth. And who is that root, our Father Ignatius, who lies buried in this spot beneath the earth.”
It is our prayer that, as we reflect on the lives of these genuine sons of Ignatius, we will grow in love for them and for the Society, and that we will deepen our gratitude for the incredible privilege of having these great men as our brothers and companions; grateful especially for the privilege of belonging to the Society that bears the sweet name of Jesus, our Lord and our Saviour.
II day: St Francis Xavier
III day: St Peter Claver
IV day: St Peter Canisius
V day: St Edmund Campion
VI day: St John de Brito
VII day: St Joseph Pignatelli
VIII day: Fr Pedro Arrupe
IX day: St Ignatius Loyola
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Fr Henry makes his Final Profession
Life is about songs and promises, those we sing and do not sing those we keep and do not keep. And out of the songs and promises of life we carve out our own unique existence in the world. Fr Henry sang this song and made his promise to the Lord in the Society of Jesus and we joined him in singing -“Take Lord Receive.”
St Ignatius puts the following criteria for men to be incorporated into the Society: Men outstanding in the following of Christ; men outstanding in virtue, who have sound judgment and prudence in action, who humbly accepts correction and strives to correct himself, who is driven by love and who has complete availability and mobility for mission and ministries of the Society.
Our life as religious is like a grindstone and whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on the stuff we are made of. Fr Henry has been rooted in Christ’s love and has been ground in the crucible of the suffering of the poor. It was a blissful occasion to witness his Final Profession. Fr Francis Serrao, our much-loved Provincial, presided over the Eucharist and received the Vows. Fr Freddie D’Silva preached an inspiring homily while Fr Melwyn Pinto (Senior) raised the toast on this auspicious occasion. The presence of Jesuits from all over the Province together with Fr Henry’s mother, brother, sisters and relatives, in the company of the staff from all the Loyola Institutions with our benefactors and well wishers joined Fr Henry in making this day a cherishing and memorable one.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pannur, My Home
Hope you enjoyed reading them.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Day’s Outing
Who wouldn’t like to have a break? We, Novices, were the privileged ones to be out for a whole day on a ‘Bengaluru Darshan.’ Being divided into groups, we came back with a bundle of experiences. Two of us desire to share some of our sentiments with you.
Ryan: The Bengaluru Darshan was like a baby’s day out for me. What struck me all through the day was the finger of God in all our undertakings. When I walked through the Jesuit establishments, I felt a sense of belonging to the Society of Jesus. Vijay Mallya’s helipad was a spectacular sight. God resides amidst simple people; this is what I experienced when I went towards the Infant Jesus Shrine at Viveknagar. The poor enveloped the areas surrounding this miraculous place. As dusk set in, the Lord reached us safely home.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Footsteps into the Novitiate
After the turn of the Guides, we now have four ‘Angels’ who are eager to share their experiences with you all:
Arvind Royce: Everyone has to undergo changes in their way of living as life goes on. I experienced this change as I entered into the “World of Silence.” I was yearning to speak and chat with my friends but as days went on, I got adjusted to the new surroundings and the people. I learnt to concentrate and be focused in prayer. My guide(Alwyn) moluded and shaped me. I understood the life a Novice must lead. My vocation is deepened and strengthened through the First Probation.
Roshan D'Souza: Probation for me was filled with expectations. I showed keen interest in learning new things. I enjoyed different prayer methods taught to me by my guide(Anand). The Senior Fathers in the community appear to me as great stalwarts in the Society. I wondered at how much work our second year brothers had put in for us. What motivates me is, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Jaison Pais: Probation has quietened me a lot. I was very curious to know about the Novitiate. I learnt how to pray. My guide(Ashwin) formed me into the ways of the Society. I feel challenged to follow the norms and rules in this new way of life but with the grace of God and hope in Him I’ve made this my foremost goal. I desire to be deeply rooted in my call and to be shaped up as a good Jesuit.
Noel Nazareth: Probation put me to test under the leadership of my guide(Pradeep). I learnt how a Novice must conduct himself. I cherish the depth of community living in the Society. I learnt basic etiquette, about the spirit of silence and the need to follow a structured time table in life. The variety of Apostlates that this house is engaged in was a heart touching experience for me. Surely, now is the time to put into practice all that I’ve learnt.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Formed to be "Men for Others" - Graduation Day
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Guiding our "Angels" (First Probation)
Joyson: I was given the opportunity to be a guide. What inspired me is the imagery of Jesus as a Shepherd. God bestows love and graces. The principle that motivated me was 'From each according to his capacity, to each according to his need.' God has indeed loved and shaped them through me. God led them to be instruments in my hands. It was a great experience to guide them. I remembered my own First Probation days. My angels had a lot to teach me.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
My Vows Day
Prashanth Kumar: Our First Vows ceremony is indeed an unforgettable blessing in every Jesuit’s life. This is what I too longed for and prepared myself especially over the past two years. It was a humble act of surrender to the Divine. I was moved with a feeling of gratitude for all that the Lord had done for me and was now ready to ask Him, “What can I do in return?” Each word of the formula I uttered helped me to recall my vocation. These words were indeed filled with a divine energy and they hovered through my spirit. My vows have made my goals clearer and make me feel even more belonged to the Jesuit family.
Roshan Pinto: It was a day of commitment to the Lord and to the world, a day to remember the Annunciation to Mother Mary who said 'Yes' and received a Mission. It was time for me to sing deep in my being, “All to Jesus, I surrender.” These two years have been very significant in forming me because I feel humble and grateful to the Lord who has chosen me to be his companion. As I pronounced the Vows, a relationship developed with God, with the Society of Jesus, with creation and with fellow human persons. I feel blissful to belong to the Society of Jesus. This day has helped me create greater space in my heart for the values, virtues and companionship of Christ.
My Vows Retreat
Royston Pinto: “Falling in Love”
It all began with Jesus and his love; a love that gives, shares, cares, is alive, vibrant, warm and kind, a love that is unconditional and forever. I could share with the Lord, not so much through words but through feelings, thoughts and reflections. Whenever our Oasis of Love became dry, Fr Hilario filled it up with his Christ-like touch. There were obstacles for sure: a face of tension, heartaches, pain, confusion and weariness but all this challenged us. Our love for Christ could melt away every hurdle that came our way. We thank God for being with us always.
Wilson Fernandes: “Enriched with Christ’s Love”
Every big journey begins with a single step and my retreat proved to be that step for the journey for my Jesuit life. These days of silence and solitude have enriched me with Christ’s love. It was a time where I became one with the Lord in finding His will for me. It was also a time for me to beseech the graces that I needed for the life ahead of me. I feel blessed by God to become an effective instrument of service. I desire to share His love to all those who come into my life.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
It’s all happening at the Loyola Institutions
“All study no games make a student Jack in the wonderland.” In order to derail the thread of monotony, we had a few inter-class friendly games which gave children a chance to expose their field talents and inspire others.
After failing twice Edmond Hilary challenged the
“Life is a one way route, we can look back but we can’t go back, so enjoy every moment of your life,” was the message given by Fr Rector, as he celebrated his Sixtieth birthday along with the students, at the Loyola Institutions.
“The single finger which wipes out tears during our failure is much better than ten fingers that come together to clap for our victory.” We had the inaugural ceremony of the Student Council on 1st July, where all the students took the oath with full gusto, all set to wipe out the tears of the rest.
‘While building your team always search for people who love to win, if it is difficult at least look for people who hate to loose.’ We had the PTA Annual General Body Meeting (AGBM) on 5th July. Fr Henry presented the report to the parents while Fr John delivered the keynote address. At the end the new PTA committee was elected which will function over the next two years.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Entrance Day ( Welcome First Years)
"The Laying of Hands "