We, the Jesuit community at Mount St Joseph, wish you all a Merry Christmas. May the birth of our Saviour bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
The course on Intensive Journal helped us in our inward journey to integrate the Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit. Surely, the inner journey has enriched our lives!
The first year Novices who are gearing up for the Month’s Retreat were given a course on Intensive Journal from 25 to 27 of October by our Rector, Fr Francis Menezes. The course was adapted according to the needs of the novices as they are preparing for the Long Retreat. For three days there was silence in the Novitiate as the course required an atmosphere of silence and recollection. Despite the silence in the house the entire house was abuzz with activity, which brought a lot of liveliness and silent joy in the house.
Mother Mary is a perfect model for us to imitate here on earth. Thomas A Kempis writes, “Mary is the friend of poverty, the way of humility, the model of patience and perfect in all things.” Therefore we must fix the gaze of our soul constantly on her for our spiritual interests and imitation. For us, Mary’s children, the Rosary should be the most loving, prayerful turning, a most tender appeal to our mother, convinced that her help and support is an absolute necessity in our lives. The Church is ever presenting to us for our contemplation, study and our imitation, Mary our mother and model. If we wish to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, to imitate him, we must model ourselves on Mother Mary.
A life unreflected is not worth living. God speaks to us through events, persons and things. Feedback was the time when God spoke to us through our companions. We got a chance to be personally involved in the growth of each other. Two of our Brothers are happy to share their experience with us.
Joyal Sandeep: Feedback is a time to know more about my own life. It is a time to look at the lights and shadows i.e., positives and negatives of my life. It is a time to give and to receive an authentic feedback. It challenges us to work on our negatives and improve on our positives. It helps us to deepen our relationship with everyone and to be a person of discernment and consistency. This process is very important as it increases our self-awareness. I realized that I can become a better person and bring in the necessary changes in my life through the feedback session.
Calvin George: "An unreflected life is not worth living" said the great philosopher Socrates. Feedback is a process where we look into our lives from the point of view of others. It is an instrument from which we can look into our own past lives deeply and improve in our future life. By becoming aware of our strengths and weaknesses, we can be better persons and grow in our religious life. Truly, feedback is an ongoing process which leads to growth.
This Sunday was indeed special to the Karnataka Jesuit Province, when Frs Roshan Lobo and Manoj Joseph D’Souza knelt in front of our Lord to pronounce their final vows on 29 August 2010 in the chapel of St Joseph’s Boys' High School, Bangalore. The choir by the Novices and the presence of the Province family enhanced the joy and brotherhood during the Eucharist celebrated by Fr Francis Serrao, the Provincial. There were wishes galore during the felicitation programme which was in the auditorium of the school. The newly Professed Fathers shared their experiences and joy with all the invitees. Fr Dion Vaz raised the toast on the occasion. As Frs Manoj and Roshan thank the Lord for the gift of their vocation and ready themselves to the new phase as Jesuits, we wish them success and contentment in their future.
“By birth I am an Albanian, by citizenship an Indian; I am a Catholic sister. By my mission I belong to the whole world, but my heart belongs to Jesus alone.”- Bl. Teresa of Calcutta
Starting from July 5 every Friday afternoon will see Mount St Joseph echo with the melodious voices of the Novices. Guiding the novices to take the right jump along the staves is none other than the maestro Fr Thomas Quadros (Fr Tom Q). The focus of these classes is to enable the Novices read and grasp the music notations. It will also help in picking up some basics in musical theory. To make the Novices' voices heard, exercises are selected from the beautiful collection of hymns and notations, “Cantate Domino.” With the help of the expert Fr Tom, we have set out sights on gaining mastery in music.
“Let us hear our voice in Him and His voice in us” St Augustine.
We were glad to formally welcome sixteen new novices into the community of Mount St Joseph on their Entrance Day on June 30. During the Entrance Day Mass in the morning, the 16 freshers received a copy of the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus from the Novice Director Fr Dion Vaz. The Socius, Fr Sunil Fernandes, gave them a picture of Jesus to remind them forever their life commitment as they took their very first steps as Jesuits. Fr Francis Menezes, the Rector, in a very fitting homily spoke about the implications of living as Companions of Jesus. After the Holy Mass, the community gathered in the refectory to felicitate the new Novices and the seniors gave them handmade greeting cards. The hard fought basketball match in the evening and common recreation after the supper relaxed us and increased our joy.
“Home is where the heart is” – Pliny.
June 16 was a special day for the Novitiate. The future of the Society seemed brighter today with the arrival of 16 new Novices. The list consists of 2 Novices from our neighbouring Andhra Province and 14 for our province.
The names of the freshers are as follows: 1.Albert Vasanth 2.Calvin George Michael 3.Chethan Anil Pinto 4.Gladwin Fernandes 5.Godwin Sequeira 6.Jaison Lobo 7.Joyal Sandeep 8.Leston Baptist Lobo 9.Nithin Coelho 10.Praveen Kiran Martis 11.Rayan Monis 12.Sameer Francis 13.Sharun Roy D’Souza 14.Sudeep Pinto 15.Vincent Vijayakumar 16.Vinod Mathias Saldanha. We wish these generous followers of Christ all the best as they begin the first run with the Lord in the Novitiate.
ASHWIN: Joy filled my heart when I think about the Novices day. What I personally enriched is the community bond. It was a time of interaction, prayer, understanding, sharing, festivity & gratitude. I enjoyed this day very much beginning with the inspiring seminar by Fr Jossy. We thanked the Lord with hymns of praise and thanksgiving by sharing the Body & Blood of Christ. The plays by the Novices were like a golden glitter in my eyes.
JOHN: 'These are my members yet one body '(1 Cor 12, 26). This was the overall experience for me on the ‘Novices day’. Yes, though we are different parts, with different mission, we fit into one body of Christ. Fire in bones blazes constantly to partake in Christ mission. The manifestation of our mission is towards the vision of Christ, “
It was Novices' day out on May 20. Our excitement peaked as we reached Manipal County, our choice destination for this year’s annual picnic. The much sought after picnic spot set in natural colours at Singasandra (Hosur Road) was an appropriate spot for us to relax and refresh. There was no stopping us to swim and enjoy when we jumped into the cool waters of the swimming pool. The enjoyment aside, we found the occasion as the best time to build our community and to cherish in the presence of each other. We are grateful to Fr Dion and Fr Sunil our formators for their presence and support during the day out.
The winds of change have blown over Mount St Joseph! On May 9, the Shepherd’s staff was handed over by Fr Willie Sequeira to the lively and dynamic new Rector of Mount St Joseph, Fr Francis Menezes. The Thanksgiving Mass was at 6:30 pm in the Main Chapel followed by the handing-over ceremony. The homily aptly reflected the sentiments of this day. The new man on the job, Fr Francis, was welcomed into the community by the veteran Fr Frigidian Shenoy. The Novices, who were just back after a month of experiments, took care of the backstage works. Our hearts are brimming with gratitude for the service that Fr Willie has rendered to the community for the past 6 years and the principal guiding role that he has played. As we welcome the changing tide, we wish Frs Willie and Francis happy and fruitful life in the new phases of their lives.
“Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully." Philip Brooks.
I am very happy. The presence of the Novices adds for my joy.
The fellowship, community life and the opportunities which help us to grow. The Spiritual Exercises is the boon from St Ignatius, to grow in the right spirit.
More satisfying is, opportunities are given to grow, especially in spiritual as well as in intellectual life. Sometimes it may be difficult to obey and to adjust oneself to various places.
Make use of the opportunities fully that you have in the Society of Jesus. Give more importance for reading good books and also listening to the experienced Jesuits who know about our way of life.
My joining to the Society of Jesus & my day of Ordination. It was a great joy for me to serve in the schools and colleges and the opportunity of helping the most needy and backward students.
Be a man of simplicity, integrity and hard work. Live one day at a time, work hard, pray much and always, & leave the result into God’s hands. Aim everything for the Greater Glory of God.
The Novices' Day (for the novices of the CRI Bannerughatta zone) was well organized at
The cultural program in the afternoon brought out the talents of all the novices. The program was entertaining, enthralling and gave a strong message to the novices i.e., “To be United always to face life courageously.” The novices were nourished in all the aspects of life. Programs of this kind give us an opportunity to interact with the novices of other religious congregations. The Novices' Day was held at Mount St Joseph this year as a part of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations. Memories and special moments of this day lingers on .....
Dear Friends,
All of you have been part of the ‘MSJ-Blog’ family. It is indeed great joy to know that so many of you browse our blog and appreciate it. Do you know the Birthday of MSJ-Blog? It is April 10, 2007. So, it is the THIRD ANNIVERSARY of the Blog. From a tiny seed, it has grown into a healthy & stronger sapling. Surely, in the years to come, it will grow into a mighty tree. Let the journey continue.....Over the last three years, MSJ-Blog has spread its wings beyond imagination. As we are in the Golden Jubilee Year of MSJ, it is a moment for us all to feel happy and proud.
We request you to support us by contributing your comments and valuable suggestions. Remember, the very fact you read this, you belong to the MSJ-Blog family. A BIG Thanks to all of you for your constant support and appreciation.
Interview with Fr Frigidian Shenoy (Golden Jubilarian of Priesthood) by Novice George Pinto
(1)What are your feelings as you are celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Priesthood?
I am extremely happy & grateful to God because He gave me a long stretch of time to prove my life & love for him.
(2) Your message for the Priests as the Church celebrates this year as the ‘Year of Priests’?
A Priest must be a man of God. He should be able to bring people to God and God to people.
(3) What do you cherish most as a Jesuit?
The Society of Jesus has taken great care of me in order to be a loyal servant of Christ Jesus.
(4) You have been involved in a variety of ministries - Tell us in what different ministries can the Jesuits involve in today’s world?
There are several ministries appropriate to our time and context.
a) I consider as the top-most ministry is ‘Preaching the Good News’ so that the people come to know God and they learn to listen & obey His Word.
b) ‘Administration of the Sacraments’ - Christ chooses the Priest as an instrument to sanctify His people through His own Sacraments.
c) A Priest is ordained to celebrate the Eucharist on behalf of Christ Himself for His people.
(5) Your message to the Jesuits of Karnataka? What are the different Apostolates in which can we engage ourselves today differently?
Modern world needs different expressions in our work. Jesuits of Karnataka already have undertaken the ministry of education, especially higher education, technical education, education qualifying young men to be fully employed. Communication Media is now a powerful tool in the secular world but not for the Jesuits of our Province. The possibility of Jesuits engaging in Mass Media in a big way for an effective Evangelization must be explored.
Give up harsh words: Use generous ones.
Give up unhappiness: Take up gratitude.
Give up anger: Take up gentleness & patience.
Give up pessimism: Take up hope and optimism.
Give up worrying: Take up trust in God.
Give up complaining: Value what you have.
Give up stress: Take up prayer.
Give up judging others: Discover Jesus within them.
Give up sorrow & bitterness: Fill your heart with joy.
Give up selfishness: Take up compassion for others.
Give up being unforgiving: Learn reconciliation.
Give up words: Fill yourself with silence, & listen to others.
PRAVEEN: If God has created us so wonderfully how can we destroy it so carelessly by abortion, suicide, euthanasia, so on & so forth? This was the question that I asked myself when Fr Lukose CMI took the course on 'Preserving life.' So it is everybody’s responsibility to protect, promote and preserve human life.
DOLWIN: Human life is a precious gift of God and we are called to celebrate life in our families & communities. This course was a call to preserve life and nature. God wants to be like Jesus who is the master of promoting life. God wants to be happy always in our life. The destruction of nature and human life is against pro-life. Jesus' life was full of celebration by becoming fully human and fully alive.
GEORGE: In Psalm 139, the Psalmist explains the importance of life. He says “for it is God who formed my inward parts, for He has made so fearfully and wonderfully & God is always with me wherever I go.” These are the touching words, which made me recognize the value of human life. Every human being is created by God. God has also given us the freedom. It is our responsibility to make the best use of it along with the values of human life. We should always walk towards the ultimate goal of human life & give glory to God always.
JAISON: "Love is the gate for all problems of the Universe.” Novices were much benefited through the course on "Fundamentalism & Inter-Religious Dialogue" by Fr Terence Farias SJ. The topic 'fundamentalism' is often heard and discussed in our country. Religious Fundamentalism has created detrimental effects on human life by which there is a threat for everyone’s survival. Love is destroyed and hatred is restored in the hearts of the people. Today let us join our hands together to fight for the human rights and tackle the spread of the evil called religious fundamentalism.
N: I had a great desire to learn about the Hindutva Ideology in addition to Christian Fundamentalism. This course has laid a solid foundation to understand this topic in a better way. What we need in today's world, particularly in our Country, is a meaningful dialogue between different religions. We need to make efforts to understand the effects of religious fundamentalism. Awareness of our context and history helps us in this venture. We must realize that, ‘we too have sinned’ as John Paul II said on 12th March 2000. My vision for humankind is that we build a peace loving and more humane society.