02. It was 4.30 am. Fr. Viegas got up and opened the door of his room upon hearing a few loud knocks. There was Br. Vadapuram standing at the door. Looking at Fr. Viegas in his pajamas Br. Vadapuram said with a profoundly apologetic tone - “Sooory Father, I thoooought it was toooilet.”
03. In those days Novices were sent out of the conference room quite seldom; but walkouts on the part of Fr. Master were quite frequent! “Was I angry?” he would ask on the next day. We did not know that they were rhetorical questions, not to be answered. We struggled to tell the truth…but he would answer his own question – “No! I was not angry; I was sad.”
04. Catching the thief in Mount was a 'revelatory event.' When he was finally caught we found that the main reason for several of his thefts was that his bare needs were not met. Upon catching him we found he had come to steal wearing only the stolen ‘essentials’ of one of our companions!
05. Our Beadle had a very weak memory. One day he got up at 5.30 am; rang the bell; applied tooth paste to his brush; came to the common washing place; left his brush on the sink; went into a toilet. A mischievous companion washed his brush thoroughly and kept it were it was. The absent minded beadle came out of the toilet and went straight to the sink. Upon finding his tooth brush without any paste on it, went back to the room, fully convinced that he had already brushed his teeth!
06. The absolute silence during the Long Retreat had made a Novice bottle up all his laughter. One day he saw his companion dosing in the chapel at 2.30 in the afternoon and could not control his laughter. Then many saw him running on the corridor towards toilets holding a hand on his mouth. Once inside the toilet, he burst out in laughter, only to spew out his dentures into the commode! I still wonder how he managed the rest of the retreat without opening his mouth in public!
Contributed by Fr Jossie Lobo
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