1 June 1970: The house was assigned as a Tertainship for Brothers under Fr.Staffner.
6 Sep 1973: Fr.Reeny Burack was the new Tertian Director.
June1975: Fr. Hilario Fernandes began the Novitiate again. Fresh Candidates came in, three for Kerala, two for
1976:Andhra was badly hit by the tidal waves and Fr. Robert Cutinha came to MSJ in the beginning of December asking for volunteers to work for the Catholic Cyclone Relief that was concentrating on a large refugee camp at Avanigadda. Responding to the situation two batches of Novices and one batch of Juniors successfully joined the relief work.
1977: Three Novices got drowned 1) Jose Kakanat 2) Herman Noronha 3) Maxim Rego. They were buried in the Jesuit cemetery at Jeppu.
1982: A proposal was made to start a common Juniorate.
1983: A new Novitiate in
Novice Master.
2 July 1984: The Government of Karnataka issued an order permitting the Province to start a Kannada medium High School at MSJ. Fr.Alexis Menezes succeeded in sharing the land conversion certificate.
22 Aug 1984: MSJ celebrated its Silver Jubilee.
3 March 1988: Fr. Eligius Cantoni, the supervisor of this building died.
June 1990: The Salesian Sisters started a convent on MSJ property.
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