Our time in the Novitiate was indeed exciting and fun filled. Occasionally to break the monotony we used to go on group picnics. On one such occasion the four of us went out into the countryside some distance away, laden with bread, butter, fruits and other goodies in abundance. When it was finally time to return to Mount we found that we had eaten our fill and were full to the brim, our belts groaning with heroic efforts to keep us in one piece and still there was much food left over. One from our group got a bright idea! Why not give it to the poor women who were gathering firewood in the vicinity? All of us agreed, with our hearts burning with generosity and compassion. We were always ready to sacrifice the leftovers once we ourselves were fully satiated. So we called the poor ladies and the Novice who had called them reached out into the bag and unwittingly instead of bringing out the bread loaf, brought out a big knife with his hand. Before he realized his mistake we saw the women literally fly towards their village nearby. I quickly gathered my wits, realized the danger. We were in, once the women reached their village and told their men folk what had happened in the forest. I told my companions that the only Ignatian thing to do is flee from the enemy. So we started sprinting towards the safety and security of MSJ without looking back even once, running right up to the statue of

One of the frequently asked questions about the new Novitiate was why it was called
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