ROYCE: 'Putting on Christ' brings new life, new way of thinking, set apart to give G
od to others. Cassock day was a glorious experience for me, to move a step forward in my journey of Priestly life. It was one of the most auspicious days in my life. I felt very much blessed and enriched with God’s love as I put on the Armour of God, a strong urge in me to proclaim the Good news to the people and a spiritual zest to become another Christ.
JAISON: “Happiness is a spiritual experience of putting on Christ and representing God." The Liturgy added rich meaning to my life. Its significance was to put on Christ and break oneself for the sake of Christ. The Eucharist was celebrated by our belo
ved Provincial, Fr Francis Serrao along with Frs William, Dion, Sunil and the community members.
ROSHAN: A new life in Christ. 'Cassock Day' was a
gifted responsibility and a dream come true. The Cassock gives me a glimpse of my ministry which I am waiting. I will always be grateful to God for making me His companion.
ROSHAN: A new life in Christ. 'Cassock Day' was a
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