Dear Friends,
As we Novices are about to undergo two important experiments in our life, our companions are eager to share their thoughts and feelings with you all. Please pray for us as we undergo this journey of our life.
Royce: my heart pumps with joy and anxiety as I near my “months retreat” I have been waiting for this day ever I steeped into the novitiate. It is a time for me to encounter Him intensely in my life and to experience spiritual bliss with in Him. I wish to actualize my true self, to be a soldier of Christ’s army, to be deep routed and well branched but at this moment the words of St Alberto Hurtado strike me, “the search for Him is only possible in this life and life takes all its meaning from this search.
As we Novices are about to undergo two important experiments in our life, our companions are eager to share their thoughts and feelings with you all. Please pray for us as we undergo this journey of our life.
Jaison:Human beings are created to love and to be loved. Everyone’s commissioned with a particular mission and that to be witness of His love through our life, words and deeds. As second year novices are being enriched by the love of Christ through the spiritual exercises, its an opt occasion for us to relive this experience in our mission place. This experiment tests call and initiates us to be contemplative in action.
Genuine and clear motivation for deeper commitment to mission should become a guiding principle. Following Christ the poor in the suffering of our humanity has must help us grow in relationship with the lord.
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