Sunday, February 26, 2012
Balamela - Time out with the Little Ones
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Sun Descended!
"Sun on Earth" |
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Provincial's Visitation - A Visit of Renewal
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Incorporated into Christ - Cassock Day
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Fr Lawrence, Regaining Spirit in Convalescence
Monday, February 13, 2012
Roots of Hard Labour - Ginger Crop
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Young Priests' Meeting at Sevalaya in Dharwad

"Pray much for priests because we need holy priests. The holier the priests are the more holy we religious will be. Then too, the more holy will be the families who are longing for God. If we have holy families we will have many holy vocations." Blessed Teresa of Kolkata
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Re-look at the Roots – Home Experiment
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Cut to the Heart – Dynamics of the Spiritual Exercises
A Joseph Jerald: The course, angled on the ‘Interior knowledge’ was a boon for the first years and for me personally to know the heart and mind of St Ignatius. It aroused great desire to make our lives coincide with the Spirit of Jesus which is the Spirit of the Society of Jesus. The course presented to us a new orientation for our life after our Month-retreat experience– to see all things through the vision of St Ignatius. It is a real challenge to live our life in the spirit of Magis for the Greater Glory of God. I heard the call from God tobecome more and more Christo-centric.
Maxim Martin D’Souza: The more we learn, the more we experience. The course was like the Month-retreat in a nutshell. The course made me recollect and relive the experiences of the Long Retreat. I was able to learn more about the mind of St Ignatius and the background in which the Sp Ex were written. The five days sped away like the wind. It was a time of joyful learning and deep understanding. I am rejuvenated in my spirit.
Cannon Fernandes: I have fallen in love with Ignatian spirituality! Deep knowledge of the life of St Ignatius helps us know the real taste of the Sp Ex. The course was really fruitful. According to me the dynamics or the whole idea of the Sp Ex is condensed into two main themes – Magis and interior knowledge. Magis calls us to live life fully. Self knowledge in the light of love of God is the essence of interior knowledge. The course has shot a new ray of interest in Ignatian Spirituality in me.
“He hath freedom who bears clean and constant heart within.” Ennius
Friday, February 3, 2012
One Body of Christ - Sanyasa Sangama 2012

In 1997, Blessed Pope John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life - World Day for Consecrated Life. This celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on 2nd February. On this day, candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.
“By being yourself, you put something wonderful in the world that was not there before” Edwin Elliot
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
A Gentle Chat - Interview with Fr Maxim Misquith
Father, you have a long serving experience in the pastoral field. How fulfilling is the task to you personally?
I have really profited, learnt and gained vast knowledge in the pastoral field. This is indeed a fulfilling experience. I don’t consider the mission as a task, but a gift to cherish in the vineyard of God.
Any Significant Experiences…
Organising evangelization programmes in Bijapur is one of my significant experiences. I had invited many people of different faith backgrounds for the programmes. I was very much aware of the consequences from the fundamental groups. Still, I took the risk and conducted a day’s programme. It was successful and spiritually nourishing. In the end, the feedback was to have many more of such programmes. The people expressed their intimate love for Jesus.
What according to you is the most important quality needed in the pastoral ministry?
One should have strong faith in Jesus. “Fall in love with Jesus” says Fr Pedro Arrupe and this is the fountain of all the strength. Humility to live and work with all sorts of people and the attitude of compassionate listening are the other qualities I find very useful in the pastoral ministry.
In your active and involving life with your parishioners and with your Jesuit mission in general, what has been your pillar of strength and support?
I have received immense support and care from my Provincials, Superiors, companions and people. Constant favours, blessings and protection from Jesus and Mother Mary kept me going strong.
How do you want to make a difference in the future?
I want to change my life continuously according to the situation and the people. Then the true difference comes naturally.
In short, your philosophy of life…
Be kind, kindness will come to youBe loving and you will be loved by all
Be compassionate and compassion will flow into you!