"Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God" Isaiah 40:3
"Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God" Isaiah 40:3
Father, how would you like to describe your life at present? What are your present involvements?
I am attached to the retreat house. So my main work is directing retreats. Time permitting, I also teach English to the II year novices and write the house diary. So it is a peaceful life, regular life and I can be faithful to my spiritual life and community exercises.
We come across you as a person charged with positive energy. Can you tell us the secret?
It is an attitude I have cultivated from the earliest days in the Society. I have had many Jesuit models in this. There have also been some who have been negative and they have irked me.
What fires your passion for teaching?
Teaching has interested me from my Regency onwards. I had opportunity to interact and learn from exemplary teachers in Juniorate, Philosophy, Theology and in schools I have worked in. I see it as an apostolate and greatly like it.
Of all ministries you have undertaken, which one do you like the most? Why?
Most of my life after Theology and Ordination has been spent in schools. But I had the unique opportunity to work as a parish priest in a small parish of Bellary Diocese. (Now it is a part of Gulbarga Diocese). Those 6 months in Chittapur were the happiest of my life as a Priest.
You are person who likes change and innovation. How have you seen the Society change over the years? Has this change been for the better or for the worse?
I firmly believe that the change in the Church and the Society is inspired by Vatican II. It is the response to the call to “See the signs of the times.” With the Church, the Society too has been responding to the call of Vatican II, to go back to the sources and heed the signs of the times. St Ignatius himself called for a change, an ongoing change, a “MAGIS” – don’t stop, keep on doing better.
What is 'the important thing' that the Society of Jesus has taught to you as a life lesson?
It will take long to enumerate what the Society has taught me. We have to be torch-bearers. We have to work for promoting faith that does justice. We have to love the poor.
If you are given a second chance to live, what will be your choice?
Noel Stephen Dias: I was walking across the natural gardens of Mount when I spotted a huge spider hanging over my head. I was wonder struck to observe God’s creation so beautiful and unique. Every creature teaches me something or the other to cherish for life. Likewise, the spider was patient enough to wait for its food and that’s the value I learnt from my new friend – PATIENCE. To remind me of my new friend, I decided to keep its memory and the value of the lesson it taught me forever in a photograph. I want to thank God for His wonderful creation. “Everyone is created unique. It is we who learn something from others and make the best of our lives."
Retreats - Dhyanashrama (Mount St Joseph)
03-11 Jan: Come and rest awhile (Fr Hilario Fernandes)
13-21 Jan: God is my Shepherd (Fr John Baptist)
23-31 Jan: Walking with the Lord (Fr Simon Furtado)
02-10 Feb: Lord, let me see your face (Fr John Baptist)
12-20 Feb: Called to be a disciple of Jesus (Fr Francis Menezes)
21-29 Feb: Call to Conversion (Fr Denis Coelho)
02-10 Mar: Walking with Him to Calvary (Fr Hilario Fernandes)
12-20 Mar: Love of the suffering Lord (Fr Denis Coelho)
22-30 Mar: “Behold the Wood of the Cross” (Fr Tom Quadros)
01-08 Apr: Body Broken, Blood Shed (Fr William Sequeira)
11-19 Apr: Walking with the Risen Lord (Fr John Baptist)
22-30 Apr: ‘then their eyes were opened’ (Fr Tom Quadros)
02-10 May: Relishing His presence (Fr John Baptist)
12-20 May: Basking in the Lord’s love (Fr Simon Furtado)
12-20 May: Eco-Spirituality retreat (Fr Leo D’Souza)
02-31 Mar: 30-Day Retreat (Fr John Baptist)
For further details, contact:
The Director
Mount St Joseph (Dhyanashrama)
IIMB PO, Kalena Agrahara,
Bannerghatta Road
Bangalore - 560 076.
Tel: 080-26580441, 26585464
E-mail: dhyanashrama@gmail.com
Blog: www.msjnov.blogspot.com