Saturday, October 15, 2011

Just a Quiz - No Exam Nerves!

Taking a break from the routine, a quiz was conducted in the Novitiate on 14 October. To get into a huddle and to work in teams, 4 groups were created. The topics were vast enough for everybody to comment and prepare, but it was very relaxing. Covering almost the entire syllabus done in the classes and including current events and other topics, the quiz gave us a thorough brush up on our studies. Novice Vincent pens down his experiences as follows

VINCENT VIJAYAKUMAR: After a long gap, we had a quiz session which kept me thinking for an hour. Our librarians did a fantastic job in preparing the quiz. I personally think that the quiz has even more closely fastened the cord of our relationships in the community. The questions fascinated me and there was a good spirit of competition in all the groups. It was a time for us to relax in a virtual ‘exam hall.' Although I was in the team of losers, I calmly accepted my defeat. It has helped me to improve my knowledge beyond horizons.

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