Don't you remember the parable of those maids waiting with lamps to receive that bridegroom? So were the novices, waiting eagerly to receive Fr. Freddie not with lamps but with bouquets, some half asleep...because this bridegroom too delayed to arrive and arrived only at 10 pm! Ably driven and accompanied by two strong men of Mundgod- Fr. Jeevan and Antony Joseph, Fr. Freddie reached safe and sound and looked fresh though the long drive of 13 hours was exhausting.
Fr. Freddie is a new member of our community from this year. Actually, he is the fourth time a member of this house. He was a novice, novice master and the rector of this place and now he will, with his expertise in the Ignatian Spirituality will animate the courses at the newly constructed Ignatian Spirituality Center.
A warm welcome to you dear Fr. Freddie!!!
1 comment:
Dear Freddie,
All the best at MSJ and specially at Ignatian Spirituality Center.
Right now I am in Paris. This evening we will be going to Montmartre.
Jossie DMello
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