Father, 50 years in the
Society of Jesus – Another feather in your cap! What are your feelings on this
I never thought that this great day in my life would arrive. I am very
happy grateful to God. It seems to me that it was just the other day on June
28, 1962 that I joined the Society of Jesus.
Genuine commitment is rarity
nowadays. Your life is a beautiful testimony to commitment to Jesus. What has
fuelled your commitment?
It is my Jesus. He met me. I saw Him. I heard His
voice. I still see Him and hear His gentle and loving voice encouraging me to
love Him and follow His ways.
Which part of your life as a
religious do you cherish and treasure the most?
The whole of my religious
life to this moment, right from my Novitiate is beautiful. I have loved it
and I continue loving it.
During Holy Mass, we often
hear you say that if we open our hymn books to sing, we give praise to God. Could
you elaborate this thought?
Yes, definitely. I am convinced of it. When we open
the hymn book, even if we are not good singers, we praise and thank God that
day, at that moment for the gift of life and energy. What a sad thing it will
be if we while attending a birthday party refuse to sing the birthday song with the rest. What would the host feel?
What thoughts are foremost in
your mind regarding you ministry in Dhyanashrama retreat house?
I have spent 27
years of my Jesuit life teaching children. I miss it now. Now, for ten years I
have been involving in the retreat ministry. I enjoy it. My 30-day retreat in
Novitiate was a thrilling experience, from where I got a personal taste for
preaching retreats. It is a fulfilling and satisfying ministry. The
feedback given by retreatants encourages me. Their struggle in their spiritual
lives makes me more human and compassionate.
“Shepherd me o Lord beyond…”
“You are with me wherever I go…” – I am listing here your two favourite hymns.
Can you tell why you like them ?
These hymns, especially “You are with me,” are very close to my heart. I
give a copy of the latter to each retreatant at the end of a retreat. I request
them to carry it wherever they go to remind themselves that they are not alone
and that Jesus travels and works with them. The text of the hymn summarises
Psalm 139.
Final question. What imagery
of God do you like the most?
God is my father and mother. Before I was
conceived in my earthly mother’s womb, I was conceived in my earthly heavenly
mother, Yahweh’s mind (Psalm139:13) My heavenly mother is always with me,
showering tender love and care on me.
A Religious is a person very close
to God
He or she gives to God everything without any reserve
giving one’s wealth, possessions or service to God
A religious offers one’s
self completely to God
“I am yours, you are mine”
(Quoted by Fr JB in reply to
the third question)
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