Sameer Francis: Barely two years ago, I was like an unsupported creeper, knowing not how to live life and bear fruit. Then, I found Jesus waiting to abide in me and to give life – life in abundance. I had to cooperate with Him. I strove to meet Him and found a pillar of support in the person of Jesus as I took the first steps of faith in the Novitiate. He did not let me down. The Month-retreat which I made in October 2010 opened the eyes of my heart to see Christ abiding in me. “Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me”(John15:4). My personal experience of Jesus in the life of prayer and work in the Novitiate is the sweetest experience I cherish. None other than Jesus gives me meaning in life. As a Jesuit, I want to nurture the God experience in me by keeping Jesus as the centre of my life. “Love doesn’t grow if you leave it on the shelf.”
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