“The best of prophets of the future is the past” Byron
“The best of prophets of the future is the past” Byron
Congratulations to you Father. What are your feelings at present as a new priest?
My heart is full of gratitude to God for calling me to be the companion of Jesus, His beloved Son. I feel privileged to be a Jesuit priest.
How do you see your life in the future – your plans, aims or desires?
First of all, I desire to be a Jesuit priest who is holy and happy. I wish to know more about Ignatian Spirituality and I wish to involve myself in the Retreat Apostolate.
Which part of your formation years did you like the most? Why?
I cherish fond memories of my formative years. The Novitiate formation helped me to come to know the mind and the heart of St Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuit Way of Proceeding. My Theological studies deepened my love for God and for God’s people.
Which quality do you think is the most important to become a priest – a Jesuit priest?
A person has to transcend one’s self-love, self-interest and self-will in order to be an effective Jesuit priest. He has to be a discerning person in order to make his service fruitful.
Who is the role model of your life? Why?
I have drawn great inspiration from Lord Jesus, dear Father Ignatius and Rev. Fr. Pedro Arrupe. Because all of them had fallen in love with God and with God’s people.
Throughout your formation years, what has been your strength, that has kept you committed and lively?
A deep conviction that Jesus is always with me (Mt 28:20)
Thank you father for your thoughts and insights.
Prerana (Centre for Ignatian Spirituality) was in the spotlight as it hosted the Province Congregation between January 3 and 5, 2012. Jesuits from the many branches of our province were here to take part in the sessions that involved discussing the various postulata. Fr Jossie Lobo was elected as the Procurator and Fr Dion Vaz was appointed as the substitute. The occasion became a most suitable time for a ‘Big Family Re-union.’ After the demanding sessions, the members of the congregation played a friendly game of Basketball with the Novices. The hard fought match with the veterans gave the Novices a good run for their money!
“There exists only the present instant…a Now which always and without end is itself new.” Meister Eckhart