Wish You all
A Happy & Grace-filled
Feast of our Founder
Fr Bitaju of Trinity Ashram led the novices far into the vast and picturesque fields of Prayer in the 2-day seminar on "Prayer and Prayer Methods" in the neighbouring Alverna Bhavan. The first inter-novitiate course of the year was held on the 21st and 22nd of July. Fr Bitaju avoided clichés, effectively manoeuvred into the present context and challenges and narrowed down to the simplest forms of prayer that each of us can practice. The course was made interesting with visual aids, sharing of experiences and group activities. St Augustine says, “Prayer is what the believer asks the Lord in faith, hope and love.”
The different themes of the Novena in honour of our founder - St Ignatius of Loyola are as follows. These themes are taken from the book, "Noble Knight" - a prayerful preparation for the feast of St Ignatius and are centred mainly on the life of St Ignatius.
Day 01: Antecedents to an Extraordinary Vocation
Day 02: Loyola - Conversion. Special Graces
Day 03: Montserrat - Vigil. Offering
Day 04: Manresa - The Crucible
Day 05: Cardoner - Extraordinary Graces for others
Day 06: Holy Land - Personal Love for Christ
Day 07: Montmartre - Vows. Total Surrender
Day 08: La Storta - 'Placed with the Son'
Day 09: Unto the Indies - A Heart Larger than the World!
Seeking the Blessings of our Heavenly Mother- Parish Feast Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Kalenagrahara: An atmosphere of celebration ruled in the parish as the parish family came together to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Fr Stany D’Souza, the Rector of St Joseph’s Indian High School, was here to celebrate the Feast Day Mass. After the Holy Eucharist, the parish family shared their love for each other and gave witness to their oneness as they had food together in the Parish ground. As an expression of their faith and gratitude for all the gifts that they have received in the past year the parishioners brought out a car procession in the evening. Fr John D’Souza the new captain of the ship effectively handled the reins to carve out a memorable day for the parishioners.
Kiran Leema: We have come to ‘the Novitiate - the School of the Heart.’ This thought makes the Entrance Day very special and beautiful. The community welcomed me with a beautiful smile and with a large and joyful heart. For nearly 20 days, I was nurtured by my guide like a child in the womb of the mother during the period of silence and recollection in the First Probation. So on the Entrance Day, I entered again into feeling like a new born infant in the Society of Jesus.
Enter into the Joy of the Lord’s Home – Every passing year, the months of June and July become a special season in itself as it becomes a period of farewells and welcomes. July 2 added some more sugar and spice into the basket of our feelings as it was the Entrance Day of the incoming Novices. Our hearts gleefully jumped for joy as the community formally welcomed all the 10 first year novices into the community. It marks the end of their First Probation and signals the ushering in of the Second Probation which means a time of testing of our vocation to the Society of Jesus. Fr Francis Menezes, Fr Willie Sequeira and Fr Sunil Fernandes celebrated the Entrance Day Eucharist which was in the evening. “… and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5