Sahodaya (the Annual Get-together of the Scholastics) took place at Mount St. Joseph from 22nd to 27th May. Every Sahodaya makes the entire MSJ campus vibrate with life and laughter. The MSJ community is proud to host Sahodaya for the fifth consecutive year! 83 scholastics took active part whereas some of the scholastics could not participate in this programme due to their University exams. Sch. Jason Furtado organised the 5-days

“World of today and being a Jesuit Today” was the topic for our reflection on the 23rd. Fr Cyril Desbruslais SJ conducted the session for us. He gave us many reasons why one should not be a religious, after which he divided us into groups and told us to reflect why one is still a religious. In the evening, we felicitated the new priests who were part of our fold and now gone ahead of us. Fr Sunil Ranjar offered the Holy Eucharist for us and Fr Sunil Fernandes preached a meaningful homily. Fr Melwyn Lobo gave us his priestly blessing.
On the 24th we dwelt on the topic “Jesuit Community-A community in Tension.” Fr Pradeep Sequeira enlightened us about Jesuit Community life and tried to reason out why tension exists in it. We celebrated the golden jubilee of Br Gabriel in the evening. His presence increased the beauty of the whole celebration.
“Where does a Modern Jesuit fit in, in a Rapidly Globalising World Heading Towards Mono Culture” was the topic for our panel discussion on the 25th. Fr Prashanth Madtha addressed us on the topic after which a number of questions were raised. Fr Cyril Desbruslais and Fr Pradeep Sequeira along with Fr Prashanth Madtha were present on the panel. Sch Jerald D’Souza ably moderated the discussion. Our Province delegate for GC 35 Fr. Jerome D’Souza took us to Rome through his sharing about the GC proceedings. Listening to him made us all feel proud about our mother Society.
26th was the picnic day. It was a memorable picnic to Kalathur Gardens, everyone enjoyed the day. Fr. Provincial celebrated the Eucharist for the scholastics on 27th; he also addressed us and answered our queries. The five days programme rejuvenated the spirit of companionship among the scholastics. It energised them body and spirit and all took leave to their respective places with a lot of vigour and hope though their hearts were heavy.
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