Editor (Novice Lumnesh) Speaks: The world is in shambles because of globalization, corruption, poverty etc. We are suffocated with misery, suffering, weeping, helplessness and confusion. We do not know which way to go. The world waits for liberation, every creature on earth cries to us to save and redeem. Yes the world is hungering for Christ. Where is Christ then? Does He not heed to the agony of His children? Human persons are gradually

Christ is in us. This is what the Novices try to explore, experience, and in turn express and share with others. Like the 'phloem' – the food conducting tissue in the plants, each one of us is called to transport Christ’s Love to others. We are called to be wounded healers. Navataranga-2008 brings forth the rich and precious experiences of the Novices as they partake in finding God in all things and all things in God. I wish all of you to experience God’s touch as you read Navataranga. I do pray and wish that each one of you becomes a “Phloem of Love.” If you need a copy of Navataranga (limited copies available), Kindly contact us.