It is a real Christmas Joy. The whole institution came together to celebrate the birth of Jesus. The childr
en prepared a beautiful Christmas progamme. "Salam Malekum" Peace be with you is resounded ever
ywhere. The children know that this can be used by everyone and this was taught to the children by Fr Robert who gave the Christmas messge on the occasion. Children listened very attentively what he had to say. Children were so happy because when they went back they had Kuswar to munch. After the celebration with the chilren we had a celebration for the family members of our staff. It started with some cultural events like games and Fr John organised delicious dinner at Prerana.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sports Day 2008-09
It was real joy for the children to prove their metal on the field. Two days of sports meet was held on December 19th and 20th for the Primary, High school and for the college students. Several events were held so that most of the children had an opportunity to exhibit their talent. On 19th we had the inaugural ceremony and the BEO, of Bangalore South, Mr Hanumantappa was the chief gues
Friday, November 7, 2008
Karnataka Rajyotsava

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Fr Terence Colaco is no more.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Blessing & Inauguration of the new BasketBall Court
Friday, August 8, 2008
Young Priests’ Gathering at Prerana(MSJ)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola (31 July 2008)
Friday, August 1, 2008
Get-together of the Loyola Institutions
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Kho-Kho Winners
Monday, July 28, 2008
Getting the Parents Together
Inter-Novitiate Seminar on Prayer
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Graduates from Loyola ITI
(Contributed by Mr Prabhu Lawrence
1st year M M V student)
The management, staff and in particular junior students felt mixed feeling as we bid good bye to our graduates. The solemn graduation ceremony was held in the ITI premises on 21st July. Over 60 students from four different trades moved out of this college. To grace the occasion we had local eminent personalities. The whole day was set aside for various activities. In the morning we had matches and in the afternoon formal programme as well as cultural programmes. Students who had excelled in various field were honoured during the graduation ceremony.
1st year M M V student)

Monday, July 21, 2008
Gathering Our Fruits
Goodbye and Welcome
Monday, July 14, 2008
PRERANA - Ignatian Spirituality Centre, Bangalore.

About the Courses: Four main courses are arranged - one of 3 month duration and the other three of 6 weeks each. Each course consists of different modules and concludes with a 30 day Ignatian retreat. Those who do not wish to attend the entire course may opt for one or more individual modules.
Apply to:The Director (Prerana)
Mount St Joseph
PB 7645, IIMB Post
Bannerughatta Road
Bangalore - 560 076.
Tel: (080)32402408/26485778
Cell: 9449590034
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
National Players at MSJ
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Welcome First Years (Entrance Day)
Our hearts at MSJ were filled with immense gratitude towards God on the 19th of June as fifteen (Martin, Anand, Pradeep, Yesunath, Alwyn Misquith, Arvin Pais, Ashwin D’Silva, Jason Martis, Jaison D’Souza, Joel Fernandes, Prashanth Saldanha, Joyson Vas, Ruben D’Souza, Ryan Rodrigues and Rajesh Sankuru) new bright, sparkling, twinkling, charming stars coming from different places joined the Novitiate. They journeyed together fruitfully through the First Probation (It is a time for a novice to know and love God, the Society of Jesus and oneself by committing totally to Christ Jesus and His
mission). It was the ‘Entrance Day’ for the freshers on the 2nd of July when they began the Second Probation in the Society of Jesus. In the evening, we had the Eucharist. Fr William Sequeira was the main celebrant. He preached an inspiring homily. After the Communion, a hymn was sung to the Holy Spirit followed by a prayer for the descent of the Holy Spirit. The freshers recited the prayer of a novice on the entrance day. Soon after the prayer, there was laying of hands on the first year novices by Frs William, Dion, Sunil and Jossie D’Mello. A picture of Jesus was given by Fr Dion to each of them. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” As the novices have taken the first step in the Society of Jesus, their presence has brought a lot of joy and happiness to our community.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Dear Frs William & Arokiasamy
The MSJ Community celebrated the birthday of Fr William Sequeira (Rector) and Fr Arokiasamy (Minister) on the 29th of June. It was a great and memorable day to all the members of our community. In the evening, there was a prayer service conducted by the novices. There was a short cultural programme followed by a sumptuous meal. "Our life is like a journey on a road. Each birthday is like a milestone on the way. When we complete each mile, the milestone reminds us about the wonders and miracles that God has done in our lives. The road may be narrow and difficult but God helps
us to walk on the way till the end." These were the sentiments of Frs William & Arock as they celebrated their birth anniversary in a meaningful and fruitful manner. "A heart is happiest when it beats for others." This sentence summarizes the lives of both Frs William & Arock as they are ever ready and available to serve the community and the society. May God grant them good health, success, fruitful ministry and many more years of joyful service.
Friday, June 27, 2008
“Phloem of Love" NAVATARANGA-2008

Editor (Novice Lumnesh) Speaks: The world is in shambles because of globalization, corruption, poverty etc. We are suffocated with misery, suffering, weeping, helplessness and confusion. We do not know which way to go. The world waits for liberation, every creature on earth cries to us to save and redeem. Yes the world is hungering for Christ. Where is Christ then? Does He not heed to the agony of His children? Human persons are gradually

Christ is in us. This is what the Novices try to explore, experience, and in turn express and share with others. Like the 'phloem' – the food conducting tissue in the plants, each one of us is called to transport Christ’s Love to others. We are called to be wounded healers. Navataranga-2008 brings forth the rich and precious experiences of the Novices as they partake in finding God in all things and all things in God. I wish all of you to experience God’s touch as you read Navataranga. I do pray and wish that each one of you becomes a “Phloem of Love.” If you need a copy of Navataranga (limited copies available), Kindly contact us.
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Eighteen of our Novices (Derrick, Dayle, Jeevan Gomes, Jeevan James, John Baptist, Kiran, Lumnesh, Merwyn, Ronald, Sudhir and Suman in Bengaluru; Joel, Nithin and Vivian in Belgaum; Antony, Canet, Jaysheelan and Leo in Guntur) pronounced their First Vows on the 21st of June.
“Only You, only you will I Seek,Only You, only you will I Praise, Only You, only you will I Love Because You made me to desire only You.”
“Only You, only you will I Seek,Only You, only you will I Praise, Only You, only you will I Love Because You made me to desire only You.”
This hymn was an outpouring from the depths of our hearts to the Almighty God on the day when we offered ourselves to Him. The chapel of Mount St Joseph looked heavenly amidst the angelic choir led by Fr Henry Saldanha. The presence of a large number of religious to celebrate our heart’s ‘Magnificat’ added to our joy. “Placed With Christ Your Son” was the theme of the Eucharist. Fr Vijay
Kumar Prabhu, the Provincial of the Karnataka Province , presided over the Eucharist and received our vows. We express our sincere thanks to him. Fr Jossie D’Mello gave an inspiring and thought provoking homily and Fr Dion, the Novice Director, inspired us with his moving message. Soon after the Eucharist, we had a short felicitation ceremony in the community refectory to greet the vovents. During the Programme, the Annual bulletin of the Novitiate “Navataranga-2008” was released by Fr Simon Furtado. We owe a deep sense of gratitude to the Lord for His benevolence and love. We thank Frs William
Sequeira, Dion, Manoj and Sunil for their encouragement and leading us to commit ourselves entirely to the Lord. We also thank all the Fathers of Mount St Joseph community for their prayerful support. Our Special thanks to our senior companions who lead us during the first year of our Novitiate and our junior companions who shared our life for the last one year. We thank them for making our vows day a memorable one. We will cherish and treasure this day all through our lives. We also thank all of you for your prayers.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Inauguration of Loyola Composite PU College
It is a moment of joy to the Community and to
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Happy Diamond Jubilee Dear Fr SHENOY

Jubilee bells of joy and gladness rang in the heart of Fr Frigidian Shenoy as he celebrated 60 years in the Society of Jesus. It was jubilation and celebration time at MSJ on the 8th of June. The Chapel which looked heavenly on this special occasion was full of Jesuits and the relatives of the Jubilarian. Fr Freddie D'Silva's homily inspired the entire congregation. During the felicitation programme, Fr Denis Coelho raised the toast in his usual inimitable style. The jubilee song, the LCD presentation and the dance by the novices was well appreciated by all. Fr Shenoy, filled with immense gratitude to the Lord and all people, expressed his heart-felt sentiments.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
This is our Humble Invitation
Friday, June 6, 2008
Sahodaya (the Annual Get-together of the Scholastics) took place at Mount St. Joseph from 22nd to 27th May. Every Sahodaya makes the entire MSJ campus vibrate with life and laughter. The MSJ community is proud to host Sahodaya for the fifth consecutive year! 83 scholastics took active part whereas some of the scholastics could not participate in this programme due to their University exams. Sch. Jason Furtado organised the 5-days

“World of today and being a Jesuit Today” was the topic for our reflection on the 23rd. Fr Cyril Desbruslais SJ conducted the session for us. He gave us many reasons why one should not be a religious, after which he divided us into groups and told us to reflect why one is still a religious. In the evening, we felicitated the new priests who were part of our fold and now gone ahead of us. Fr Sunil Ranjar offered the Holy Eucharist for us and Fr Sunil Fernandes preached a meaningful homily. Fr Melwyn Lobo gave us his priestly blessing.
On the 24th we dwelt on the topic “Jesuit Community-A community in Tension.” Fr Pradeep Sequeira enlightened us about Jesuit Community life and tried to reason out why tension exists in it. We celebrated the golden jubilee of Br Gabriel in the evening. His presence increased the beauty of the whole celebration.
“Where does a Modern Jesuit fit in, in a Rapidly Globalising World Heading Towards Mono Culture” was the topic for our panel discussion on the 25th. Fr Prashanth Madtha addressed us on the topic after which a number of questions were raised. Fr Cyril Desbruslais and Fr Pradeep Sequeira along with Fr Prashanth Madtha were present on the panel. Sch Jerald D’Souza ably moderated the discussion. Our Province delegate for GC 35 Fr. Jerome D’Souza took us to Rome through his sharing about the GC proceedings. Listening to him made us all feel proud about our mother Society.
26th was the picnic day. It was a memorable picnic to Kalathur Gardens, everyone enjoyed the day. Fr. Provincial celebrated the Eucharist for the scholastics on 27th; he also addressed us and answered our queries. The five days programme rejuvenated the spirit of companionship among the scholastics. It energised them body and spirit and all took leave to their respective places with a lot of vigour and hope though their hearts were heavy.
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