Saturday, March 31, 2012

Novitiate Life - Tracing God (Nithin)

Nithin Coelho: My life is like a spider's web. The web is ugly or beautiful depending on what settles on it, whether dust or the morning dew. My past life tasted so bitter when the dust of sinfulness settled on it. But now, my life appears to me as a blessing. My life is beautiful because God has lavished His love upon it. These words from Matthew 16:26 "For what will it profit them if they gain the whole world but forfeit their life?" call me dedicate my life for the ineffable love of God. My Month-retreat provided strength for the turnaround I needed in my life. Since then, I have committed my web of life to the God's faithful love. My life in the Novitiate has taught me to nurture this commitment, which is the root of my vocation. Thus I sum up my experiences of the Novitiate with one quote, "Growth shall never cease as far as life refuses to cease."

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