With the desire to be “Placed with the Son”, 6 novices after having completed their 2 years of Novitiate at Mount St Joseph made their first vows on 21st June 2020 in the chapel of Mount St Joseph at 10.30 A.M. Fr. Stanislaus D’Souza, the Provincial presided over the Eucharist along with Fr. Anthony Joseph, the Rector of Mount St Joseph, Fr. John Pradeep, the Novice Director, Fr. Joseph Rodrigues and Fr. Mariathas as con-celebrants. Fr. Mariathas, the novice director designated to the Sri Lanka Province, preached an inspiring homily. The novices added a golden feather to the celebration by preparing a meaningful backdrop, beautiful flower decoration and melodious choir. At the end of the Eucharist, Fr. Provincial released two books titled “Pray! Pray much!” and “A Prophecy that became a History”. The mass was followed by a short felicitation programme for the vovents. Navataranga, the Karnataka Jesuit Novitiate bulletin was released by Fr. Provincial. The program concluded with the sumptuous lunch.
After an intense preparation during
the first probation, 9 first year novices readily entered Mount St Joseph
novitiate, a home of love on 4th of July 2020 through the
Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Anthony Joseph, the Rector of
Mount St Joseph. The theme ‘Pray with the son” made the liturgy meaningful.
During the Eucharist, having been rooted and grounded in their call to
the society of Jesus, they took a step forward in nurturing their vocation by
following the footsteps of St. Ignatius and his first companions. The community
conveyed best wishes for their new journey ahead through a wishing song. The
programme ended with a sumptuous dinner. we wish them a fruitful time with the Lord.