May the Risen Lord bless you all
The story of Easter is the story of God's wonderful window of divine surprise.
~ Carl Knudsen
Going Strong, staying connected - Hip hip hurrah!!! It is the FOURTH ANNIVERSARY of our Blog. The blog of Mount St Joseph (www.msjnov.blogspot.com) has made a successful leap into its fifth year of connecting the world inside Mount St Joseph to the world outside. A brainchild of Fr Manoj Joseph D’Souza, it made its debut on 10 April 2007 when he was the Assistant Novice Director here in the Novitiate. Under the able hands of the dynamic Fr Sunil Cletus Fernandes, the current blog administrator, the blog is gaining fresh doses of moxie. At this juncture, we express our gratitude to the builders of the blog, Frs Manoj & Sunil and the novices who have worked hand in hand with the blog administrators and placed the first bricks in building the blog. We thank you for your support and encouragement in keeping our blog going and for giving value and meaning to our work.
“The most important hour is always the present; the most significant person is precisely the one who is sitting across from you right now; the most necessary work is always love” – Meister Eckhart