“I do not want merely to possess a faith; I want a faith that possesses me.” – Charles Kingsley
Friday, February 25, 2011
Sixteen New Acolytes - Men in White!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Br Mariasusai Nakshatram-Surrendered to the Lord’s Embrace
"We believe that Jesus died and rose again; so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have died believing in Him.” (I Thessalonians 4:14) Br Mariasusai Nakshatram, a senior member of our Province entered into his eternal reward on 21 February after a protracted illness which he patiently bore with the Lord. Br Mariasusai was stationed in Ashirwad community where he received care and support. After the funeral Mass in Ashirwad, his remains were interred in the cemetery at Mount St Joseph. As Br Mariasusai enters into his Eternal reward, we pray that his soul may rest in peace.
“In a small proportion we just beauties see; And in short measures life may perfect be” - Ben Johnson
Fine Tuning to the Call of God (Vocation Camp)
God calls each one of us in his own unique ways. The call to religious life is a unique call indeed. Hence, to make the young aware of God’s call, a vocation camp was organized in Mount St Joseph on February 20. The presence of about 55 exuberant youngsters from the neighbourhood parishes made this day a success. Their buoyancy and enthusiasm added life and freshness in our campus on this otherwise ordinary Sunday. Schs Pratap Chandru and Lumnesh Kumar managed the show during the morning sessions. The novices took over in conducting some games in the afternoon. Kudos to Fr Sunil Fernandes, the Assistant Novice Director who has been the main person responsible behind the work.
"That Your Kingdom may come and not mine, That your will may be done and not mine, Help me to say yes." Michel Quoist
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Ashram Experiment: Christ-centred in an Indian Way

The activities in the Ashram are coined purely in Indian vocabulary - Seva, Upadesha, Satsang, pooja… The food is strictly vegetarian. Silence, solitude and close bonding with nature are the hallmark of Ashram. We were initiated into this life and were guided deeper into the spirituality by Fr Louis, Guruji of the Ashram and the staff of the Ashram. Tolerance, broad-vision, inclusiveness, spirit centredness and an open attitude to truth makes the Ashram a fountain for inter-religious dialogue.
"May the Creator God whose splendour we contemplate as radiant on earth, sky and heaven stimulate our intellect."