We, the Jesuit community at Mount St Joseph, wish you all a Merry Christmas. May the birth of our Saviour bring abundant joy and happiness in your life!
It’s ginger bumper crop in Mount St Joseph Novitiate - The novices who had gingered up the activity in St Stanislaus garden by growing ginger, have finally tasted success. The ginger roots were planted at the fringes of the four plots of St Stanislaus garden in the month of June. A lot of sweat and toil went into the work which seems very sweet now. The novices themselvestook delicate care of the plants after taking in advice and suggestions from many in the community. The total output has come to around 300 Kilos. We are grateful to the sisters of Holy Spirit Convent who provided us the ginger roots to begin with and also to everyone for their enthusiastic support. "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought" - A. S. Gyorgy