Friday, August 28, 2009
Birthday Gala
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
God now has a very Special Angel!

Protest Rally from the Loyola Institutions

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Golden Jubilee Celebrations at our Parish
On 23 August, we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Mount St Joseph at the Parish level. The Parishioners gathered in great numbers and the Church was full to its capacity at the solemn Eucharistic celebration by our much-loved Archbishop Emeritus of eople’s feelings out poured with praise to God for the copious blessings that they had received through
climate filled everybody with complete bliss. We place on record the hard work and meticulous planning put in by the dynamic Parish Priest, Fr Frankie Noronha, with whose support and smooth organization the commemoration of this auspicious occasion became successful.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Golden Memories: 22 August 1959 - 22 August 2009

Our hearts are overwhelming with joy to share with you all the significance of this joyous occasion.
As a part of the Jubilee celebrations, the Blog Coordinators invite all Jesuits of our Province and all those Jesuits from elsewhere who are Mount St Joseph Alumni to compose poems, write short stories and share with us all memorable or humorous incidents when you were associated with this Mother House.
There will also be an online Quiz competition conducted in four sets appearing on the Blog every ten days. Kindly send in your answers to these questions and creative contributions in the form of poems, short stories and memorable or humorous incidents onto our Email address: Attractive prizes will be awarded when we all meet on 11 October 2009, the day set aside for the Jubilee celebration. Please encourage others too to take part and make this occasion more dynamic and full of life. God loves a cheerful giver.
Golden Jubilee Celebrations
The Parish level Jubilee celebrations will take place tomorrow with a solemn Eucharist at 8:30 AM, presided by Most Rev Dr Ignatius Pinto, Archbishop Emeritus of
Our Rector, Fr Willie Sequeira writes: The Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Thanksgiving Eucharist at 5 pm, which will be followed by a brief felicitation programme and Jubilee dinner. All the Jesuits of our Province and all those Jesuits from elsewhere who are Mount St Joseph Alumni are requested to treat this as a personal invitation. Please inform us whether you are coming for the celebration or not by 15 September. You can either write to us or send an e-mail. Please give your address as well as cell number. We will be making all the arrangements for your stay in case you intend to stay for a longer time. Please remember that
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Inter-Novitiate Seminar: "Prayer in our Lives"
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Independence Day at the Loyola Institutions

“I will do my best to give a better future to these poor children” was the promise made by our Chief Guest Sri Rajgopal Reddy at the Independence Day celebrations at the Loyola Institutions. After hoisting the Flag
and receiving the Guard of Honour, he said that we should imbibe the values of the Father of our Nation and should be ready to stake anything for Mother India.
We had a short cultural programme after the formal function. Our students displayed a skit based on ‘sacrifice’ made by our leaders and soldiers. A few students beautifully accompanied the beats of A. R Rehman with their graceful steps while others praised our Motherland with their velvet voices. The parents of our students added more colour to the celebrations by their valuable presence.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Peoples Retreat - Spiritual Renewal
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Awake to 'New Life' and 'Freedom'

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Year for Priests (19 June 2009 - 19 June 2010)

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Springs of Gratitude

A metaphor that has enhanced our formation as Juniors is “The Ocean”. With its consistence, openness, universality, the ocean symbolizes the formation of a Junior allowing diverse species to live in it. An Ocean allows numerous and varied minerals to flow into it, diverse species to regenerate and exit. This makes it universal and open. It was during our Juniorate that we as Juniors tasted the minerals of various cultures, experiences and opportunities.
Juniorate has its main purpose: formation in humanities, the development of language skills both spoken and written, the study of literature, an initiation into the human sciences and the scientific culture of our times.Apart from these we were trained to acquire skills to form habits of serious study and to develop a commitment to excellence by which we are constantly driven to reach out for the MAGIS.
Our minds were open to analyze, understand and reflect critically and creatively. The progressive integration of life in the Spirit, apostolic involvement and study was deepened in the Juniorate.It was more of freedom with responsibility to grow as a person in intellectual, spiritual, affective and social dimensions. We were trained to present convincing arguments logically, forcefully and persuasively. We were instilled with the spirit of team work, friendship and transparency.
The courses offered like; art appreciation, film appreciation, psycho-spiritual integration, social analysis, eco awareness, current sciences and time management has formed us to be an all-rounder. I place on record my sincere gratitude to all the staff of Vidyaniketan, South Indian Common Juniorate, Trivandrum for their tireless and selfless service in shaping us as men for others, well equipped to face the challenging situations that surround us. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more, gratitude, makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Renewal Course at Prerana (Ignatian Spirituality Centre)
Prerana, the Ignatian Spirituality Centre, saw the arrival of seventeen young and dynamic Religious men and women from different parts of South
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Loyola Happenings

Sharing of Inner Movements
“Trusting in God would not make the mountain smaller, but will certainly make climbing easier. Don’t ask Him for a lighter load but ask Him for a stronger back” is the phrase which goes very well with our students. In order to lighten their inner burden that is often unexpressed and at times derails their way of going about, to set all these things right on track we have started a counseling centre under the able guidance of Fr Francis Noronha. It has been of great help to all students and they have gained a lot. Moreover they come out with smiles on their faces.
On Cloud Nine
Truly 1 August was a Red-letter day for the Loyola Institutions. We celebrated the feast of St Ignatius. Prior to this we had many competitions where good many of our students actively took part. We began the day with a Quiz followed by a formal and a cultural programme. Fr Rector delivered the key note address while Mrs S G Prema gave the musings. As Jesuits, we are called to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom to the captives and release from darkness to prisoners. This was a golden chance for us to renew this mission of ours among the poor being one with them. Right now all children are found at their desks burning the midnight oil as they prepare for their next mission: the Exams.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
"Ablaze with Christ's Love"