Thirty-eight Jesuits from South Asia, representatives from all provinces (except Gujarat, Patna & Nepal) - all veterans in Jesuit formation and spirituality - gathered at Mount St Joseph, Bangalore, for the South Asia Assistancy level seminar on Ignatian Spirituality, from 23rd to 26th February, 2009. Fr Hector D’Souza, the Provincial of South Asia (POSA), who had planned & promoted the seminar, led the whole process. In his keynote address, he invited and challenged the delegates to explore and devise a method and process of integrating the Indian spiritual traditions with the Ignatian Spirituality. After the 35th General Congregation (GC), there has been a renewed vigour in spiritual conversation and an enthusiasm in sharing of our charism and heritage through retreats. It was enriching to learn how some Jesuits used Ignatian contemplative method in inter-religious contexts and helped people of other religions to pray; and this was a new and deep prayer experience for them. Fr T K John of Vidya Jyoti, as a resource person, opened vistas of the Ignatian contemplation in the creation and cosmos around us. He felt that there is ample possibility to relate and promote the Ignatian Spirituality in the rich Indian traditions. He also proposed a 5-year project to achieve this.
Fr Edward Mercieca, Secretary for Promotion of Ignatian Spirituality,
(Contributed by Fr Tom Quadros SJ)