The Pauline Year proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI will end on 29 June 2009. This year we are also celebrating the Golden Jubilee year of Mount St Joseph. To mark this 2-fold occasion we have organized a series of 16 talks on Pauline themes by experts in the field, Frs Joseph Lobo SJ and Ralph da Costa SJ, at Prerana (Mount St Joseph) from 5.30 pm till 7.15 pm every Wednesday and Saturday in the months of January and February 2009. Fr Joseph’s talks were in the month of January and Fr Ralph’s lectures will be in February. Many religious, except the novices, of the Bannerughatta CRI zone attended the talks regularly in large numbers. Most of them appreciated the talks which were thought-provoking, inspiring and full of insights. Fr Joseph Lobo is a Jesuit priest of the Karnataka Province. He is the director of the Karnataka Jesuit Regional Theologate at Jnana-Jyothi, Anekal-Bangalore where he teaches Systematic Theology. He dealt with the following Pauline themes in his talks: Knowing and proclaiming Christ and Him Crucified (1 Cor 2,1-5); Boasting in one’s weakness: Three times I prayed; but He said to me “my grace is enough for you” (2 Cor 11,16-12,10); Pauline understanding of “Life in Christ” and its consequences; Paul’s recommendations on the celebration of the Eucharist (1 Cor 11,17-34); Fighting the wrong enemy; The awareness of conflict of the two laws at work: I am a wretched man, who will rescue me? (Rom 7,21-24); Being all things to all men: A mission paradigm for today - Paul’s evangelistic and exemplary adaptability (1 Cor 9,19-23); and Who can separate us from the love of God? (Rom 8,31-39)