The church was full and overflowing with people who took part in the festive liturgy with great devotion enriched by the melodious choir under the baton of Sch. Marcel. The Parish Priest Fr. Mohan was all beaming with wide smiles all the through the hectic but fun-filled day. All in all it was indeed an occasion to cherish and to remember.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Parish Feast
The church was full and overflowing with people who took part in the festive liturgy with great devotion enriched by the melodious choir under the baton of Sch. Marcel. The Parish Priest Fr. Mohan was all beaming with wide smiles all the through the hectic but fun-filled day. All in all it was indeed an occasion to cherish and to remember.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Darkness at Noon - 8 Std Boy Passes Away

Experience of Freedom
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Fr. Peter Pinto - 50 Years in the Society.

Could you share with us your vocation story in brief?
I was an altar server in our parish at Bajpe. Attended Mass daily. They took it for granted that I would join the fraternity of priests. Our assistant parish priest, Fr L.V.M. Fernandes told me to join either the diocesan clergy or the Jesuits. When Fr Francis Rebello (then a scholastic) came to Bajpe on vocation promotion, I met him and showed my inclination to join the Jesuit rank. So, eventually I found myself along with 12 other young men at Christ Hall,
What is the best thing about being a Jesuit?
What lessons has life taught you?
“ Do not make the poor man weep because of harsh behaviour !”
“ A good smile drives out all the blues !”