Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Ashram experiment

"When an atom is broken, great energy is released; then what should happen when the creator of that atom is broken?" With this profound question echoing in our minds, we embarked on our three-day ashram experiment, eager to experience the power of that same creator. Upon our arrival at Vidhyanavanam Ashram, our timetable overflowed with various classes, prayers, and devotions, all designed to deepen our understanding and experience of the power of our creator, allowing us to profoundly feel His mercy, deliverance, and above all, His boundless love. 

Throughout our time there, we encountered many unique experiences during meditation, including gazing at the lotus pond and engaging in stone meditation, both of which provided insights into our inner beings. Confession sessions facilitated reconciliation with God, our neighbors, nature, and ourselves. The Eucharistic procession, combined with praise, worship, and deliverance prayers, infused us with the graces of the Holy Spirit and renewed our zeal for spiritual activities, particularly prayer. The serene beauty of the garden, with its smiling flowers and comforting canopy, provided a peaceful atmosphere conducive to hearing the voice of God in nature. 

The chapel, resembling a termite mound and drawing inspiration from rich Indian culture, helped us enter the cave of our hearts and experience the presence of the Lord dwelling within. By the end of our time in the ashram, we emerged transformed, no longer the same individuals. The creator of the atom, who allowed Himself to be broken for our sake, revealed to us His boundless power and love, transforming us into reformed warriors of Christ. We express our heartfelt gratitude to Fr. Johnson CMI and Fr. Seijo CMI for their guidance throughout our stay in the ashram, helping us to deepen our connection with our creator and experience true oneness with Him.

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