Monday, February 13, 2012

Roots of Hard Labour - Ginger Crop

Intense activity in our gardens for over nine months has brought forth a good harvest of ginger this year. The Novices were found smiling from ear to ear as the ‘treasure’ was unearthed in phases from the top soil of Stanislaus Garden. The produce has touched 300 Kgs. Cultivating ginger has been an important activity introduced in our gardens in the previous year.
“No race can prosper till it learns that there is a much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem” says Booker T Washington. The enterprising Novices got down to work in the ginger plots in mid-April and soon the tender light green shoots were seen on the surface. The new plants demanded a lot of care. With enough care given, the plants grew up healthily displaying their colours that caught the attention of everyone in the house. Time was ready to dig out the treasure from the soil when the yellow plants dried away and no life was seen on the surface. Our work has given us contentment in good measure and we hope to continue to work and learn from our gardening experiences.
“Gift, like genius, I often think means only an infinite capacity to take pains.” - Jane E Hopkins

1 comment:

Joeyanna said...

Congratulations on the Ginger crop! and on the new blog.. keep up the good work..