Friday, October 1, 2010

Feedback: An ongoing Process of Growth

A life unreflected is not worth living. God speaks to us through events, persons and things. Feedback was the time when God spoke to us through our companions. We got a chance to be personally involved in the growth of each other. Two of our Brothers are happy to share their experience with us.

Joyal Sandeep: Feedback is a time to know more about my own life. It is a time to look at the lights and shadows i.e., positives and negatives of my life. It is a time to give and to receive an authentic feedback. It challenges us to work on our negatives and improve on our positives. It helps us to deepen our relationship with everyone and to be a person of discernment and consistency. This process is very important as it increases our self-awareness. I realized that I can become a better person and bring in the necessary changes in my life through the feedback session.

Calvin George: "An unreflected life is not worth living" said the great philosopher Socrates. Feedback is a process where we look into our lives from the point of view of others. It is an instrument from which we can look into our own past lives deeply and improve in our future life. By becoming aware of our strengths and weaknesses, we can be better persons and grow in our religious life. Truly, feedback is an ongoing process which leads to growth.

1 comment:

maria jonita lourdes said...

im so touched to see you transform into a beautoful person in christ. so proud that im your sister. god bless you.