Sharing of Inner Movements
“Trusting in God would not make the mountain smaller, but will certainly make climbing easier. Don’t ask Him for a lighter load but ask Him for a stronger back” is the phrase which goes very well with our students. In order to lighten their inner burden that is often unexpressed and at times derails their way of going about, to set all these things right on track we have started a counseling centre under the able guidance of Fr Francis Noronha. It has been of great help to all students and they have gained a lot. Moreover they come out with smiles on their faces.
On Cloud Nine
Truly 1 August was a Red-letter day for the Loyola Institutions. We celebrated the feast of St Ignatius. Prior to this we had many competitions where good many of our students actively took part. We began the day with a Quiz followed by a formal and a cultural programme. Fr Rector delivered the key note address while Mrs S G Prema gave the musings. As Jesuits, we are called to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom to the captives and release from darkness to prisoners. This was a golden chance for us to renew this mission of ours among the poor being one with them. Right now all children are found at their desks burning the midnight oil as they prepare for their next mission: the Exams.
Very good report!!!
It's a good start to have a counselling centre at the school.
congratulations to all for initiating such a move.
thanks Lumnesh for sharing with us your experience in the Juniorate; the article is inspiring!!!
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